Volunteer Stories: Elspeth

Edinburgh Zoo volunteer Elspeth gives insight into what they do as part of their role, and how volunteering has impacted their life.
What is your role?
I am a Public Engagement Volunteer at Edinburgh Zoo. I engage with visitors to the Zoo and give additional information about the animals, their habits, welfare, their importance in conservation terms and how they fit in in their natural environments. We act as mobile information points for visitors to the Zoo.
What led you to start volunteering?
I started volunteering when my daughter was at school doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award. I was driving her to and from the Zoo for the volunteering aspect and thought I might as well volunteer myself. I joined the volunteer scheme. That was almost 30 years ago now. The volunteer function has changed over the years, but is still very worthwhile and enjoyable.
What attracted you to the heritage and/or conservation sector?
I've always loved animals. We'd lived in Nigeria for a while where there were lizards and geckos in the house all the time, and other animals around. Nigeria was quite depleted of wildlife, and animals were being taken for the bushmeat trade. The importance of conservation was obvious. Volunteering at Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) was something I could do to help when we returned to Edinburgh.
How has volunteering impacted your life?
I've enjoyed volunteering over many years, and now I'm retired, it's an important aspect of my life. I'm meeting people, making friends, and still learning and gaining experience.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Volunteering widens your experience, keeps you outward looking and helps keep me happier and heathier. Climbing the hill at Edinburgh Zoo regularly improves my fitness!!
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