Volunteer Stories: Rosie

To celebrate Heritage Careers Week, we're highlighting how volunteering can be a route to work in the heritage sector!
We invited Rosie, Vice Chair of the Make Your Mark campaign, to share how volunteering supported her career development.
What volunteer roles have you undertaken?
Being a Volunteer Ranger is what led me to employment with Historic Environment Scotland (HES). Engaging with the public was the main skill I used in this volunteer role.
What led you to start volunteering?
It is a great way to learn new skills and get experience for your CV.
How did volunteering support your professional development?
Building confidence in supporting an organisation I wanted to work with and it helped me to learn about the partnerships that HES had in place.
What is your current job in the heritage sector?
National Volunteering and Community Development Manager with Historic Environment Scotland. Key tasks in my role include:
- Managing a team a Community and Volunteer Development Officers, who in turn support colleagues with volunteer coo-ordination as part of their wider roles.
- Being the development/operational/strategic lead for pan Scotland multi-site, multi-role corporate volunteer programme.
- Leading sector volunteer development initiatives and the provision of strategic advice.
- Being the development/operational/strategic lead for national programmes, projects and products to support community development in HES and across sector.
- Leading delivery of annual sector wide partnership hybrid and online conferences and events.
- Developing products to support capacity of grass roots organisations across Scotland.
- Representing of Lead Public Body (HES) & Historic Environment on Scottish Government Volunteering Action Plan working groups.
- Developing and being the Vice Chair/Events Lead of the sector wide Make Your Mark in Volunteering campaign.
What attracted you to the heritage sector?
I was originally attracted to natural heritage during my Sustainable Environmental Management degree.
What advice would you give to your 15 year old self?
Getting hands on experience is more valuable than qualifications on paper.
Explore volunteer opportunities
Are you interested in volunteering with museums, galleries, archives, zoos, parks, historic sites and other history, culture and nature organisations in Scotland?
Check out the Make Your Mark in Volunteering portal to see what’s available in your area.